Custom Django Unfold Admin Dashboard


Setup a custom admin dashboard in an existing repo, exactly like the one shown on Unfold Formula Demo project.

Created On
Nov 12, 2023 4:18 AM
Updated On
Nov 14, 2023 7:29 AM

Custom Django Unfold Admin Dashboard

{{ page_properties }}


Setup a custom admin dashboard in an existing repo, using the templates provided by the Unfold Formula Demo project.



Install and Setup Django Unfold Admin

Create Admin Dashboard App

This new app will house the views and styles we need for our new admin dashboard.

In your terminal run:

python startapp admin_dashboard

Update INSTALLED_APPS, the new app should be added below the unfold apps.


Setup Admin Index Template

Create File

In your Django project folder, create a new file at this path: templates/admin/index.html

Update Template Settings

Update your TEMPLATES to discover templates in this directory.

        "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
        "DIRS": [BASE_DIR / "templates"],
        "APP_DIRS": True,

Fill in Template

Paste the following into your newly created templates/admin/index.html file :

{% extends 'unfold/layouts/base_simple.html' %}

{% load i18n unfold %}

{% block breadcrumbs %}{% endblock %}

{% block title %}
    {% trans 'Dashboard' %} | {{ site_title|default:_('Django site admin') }}
{% endblock %}

{% block branding %}
    <h1 id="site-name">
        <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">
            {{ site_header }}
{% endblock %}

{% block content_before %}
    {% component "unfold/components/header.html" %}
        {% trans "Unfold Dashboard" %}
    {% endcomponent %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    {% component "unfold/components/container.html" %}
        {% component "unfold/components/flex.html" with class="gap-4"%}
            {% component "unfold/components/navigation.html" with items=navigation %}{% endcomponent %}

            {% component "unfold/components/navigation.html" with class="ml-auto" items=filters %}{% endcomponent %}
        {% endcomponent %}

        {% component "unfold/components/flex.html" with class="gap-8 mb-8 flex-col lg:flex-row" %}
            {% for stats in kpi %}
                {% trans "Last 7 days" as label %}
                {% component "unfold/components/card.html" with class="lg:w-1/3" label=label footer=stats.footer %}
                    {% component "unfold/components/text.html" %}
                        {{ stats.title }}
                    {% endcomponent %}

                    {% component "unfold/components/title.html" %}
                        {{ stats.metric }}
                    {% endcomponent %}
                {% endcomponent %}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endcomponent %}

        {% trans "Product performance in last 28 days" as title %}
        {% component "unfold/components/card.html" with class="mb-8" title=title %}
            {% component "unfold/components/chart/bar.html" with data=chart height=320 %}{% endcomponent %}
        {% endcomponent %}

        {% component "unfold/components/flex.html" with class="gap-8 mb-8 flex-col lg:flex-row" %}
            {% trans "The most trending products in last 2 weeks" as title %}
            {% component "unfold/components/card.html" with class="lg:w-1/2" title=title %}
                {% component "unfold/components/card.html" %}
                    {% component "unfold/components/title.html" with class="mb-2" %}
                    {% endcomponent %}

                    {% component "unfold/components/text.html" %}
                        {% blocktrans %}
                            Total revenue between <span class="font-medium text-gray-700 dark:text-white">1 - 31 October</span>. Increase <span class="text-green-600 font-medium">+3.14%</span> comparing to previous month <span class="font-medium text-gray-700 dark:text-white">1 - 30 September</span>. <a href="#" class="text-primary-500 underline">View detailed analytics.</a>
                        {% endblocktrans %}
                    {% endcomponent %}
                {% endcomponent %}
                {% component "unfold/components/separator.html" %}{% endcomponent %}

                {% component "unfold/components/flex.html" with col=1 class="gap-8" %}
                    {% for metric in progress %}
                        {% component "unfold/components/progress.html" with title=metric.title description=metric.description value=metric.value %}{% endcomponent %}
                    {% endfor %}
                {% endcomponent %}
            {% endcomponent %}

            {% component "unfold/components/flex.html" with class="gap-8 lg:w-1/2" col=1 %}
                {% for stats in performance %}
                    {% component "unfold/components/card.html" %}
                        {% component "unfold/components/text.html" %}
                            {{ stats.title }}
                        {% endcomponent %}

                        {% component "unfold/components/title.html" with class="mb-8" %}
                            {{ stats.metric }}
                        {% endcomponent %}

                        {% component "unfold/components/chart/line.html" with data=stats.chart %}{% endcomponent %}
                    {% endcomponent %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endcomponent %}
        {% endcomponent %}
    {% endcomponent %}
{% endblock %}

Tailwind CSS

Unfold uses Tailwind under the hood, since we’re creating a custom template, we need to compile the tailwind styles our self.

Setup Tailwind Config

In your root folder, create a new file tailwind.config.js

Paste the following contents, and replace <django_project_dir> with your project directory.

module.exports = {
  content: ["./<django_project_dir>/**/*.{html,py,js}"],
  media: false,
  darkMode: "class",
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        primary: {
          50: "rgb(var(--color-primary-100) / <alpha-value>)",
          100: "rgb(var(--color-primary-100) / <alpha-value>)",
          200: "rgb(var(--color-primary-200) / <alpha-value>)",
          300: "rgb(var(--color-primary-300) / <alpha-value>)",
          400: "rgb(var(--color-primary-400) / <alpha-value>)",
          500: "rgb(var(--color-primary-500) / <alpha-value>)",
          600: "rgb(var(--color-primary-600) / <alpha-value>)",
          700: "rgb(var(--color-primary-700) / <alpha-value>)",
          800: "rgb(var(--color-primary-800) / <alpha-value>)",
          900: "rgb(var(--color-primary-900) / <alpha-value>)",
      fontSize: {
        0: [0, 1],
        xxs: ["11px", "14px"],
      fontFamily: {
        sans: ["Inter", "sans-serif"],
      minWidth: {
        sidebar: "18rem",
      spacing: {
        68: "17rem",
        128: "32rem",
      transitionProperty: {
        height: "height",
        width: "width",
      width: {
        sidebar: "18rem",
  variants: {
    extend: {
      borderColor: ["checked", "focus-within", "hover"],
      display: ["group-hover"],
      overflow: ["hover"],
      textColor: ["hover"],

Run tailwind

Again, replace <django_project_dir> with your project directory.

npx tailwindcss -o <django_project_dir>/admin_dashboard/static/admin_dashboard/css/styles.css --watch --minify

Dashboard Context

In admin_dashboard/ add a new function to setup the dashboard context:

def dashboard_callback(request, context):
    WEEKDAYS = [

    positive = [[1, random.randrange(8, 28)] for i in range(1, 28)]
    negative = [[-1, -random.randrange(8, 28)] for i in range(1, 28)]
    average = [r[1] - random.randint(3, 5) for r in positive]
    performance_positive = [[1, random.randrange(8, 28)] for i in range(1, 28)]
    performance_negative = [[-1, -random.randrange(8, 28)] for i in range(1, 28)]

            "navigation": [
                    "title": _("Dashboard"),
                    "link": "/",
                    "active": True
                    "title": _("Analytics"),
                    "link": "#"
                    "title": _("Settings"),
                    "link": "#"
            "filters": [
                    "title": _("All"),
                    "link": "#",
                    "active": True
                    "title": _("New"),
                    "link": "#",
            "kpi": [
                    "title": "Product A Performance",
                    "metric": "$1,234.56",
                    "footer": mark_safe(
                        '<strong class="text-green-600 font-medium">+3.14%</strong>&nbsp;progress from last week'
                    "chart": json.dumps({"labels": [WEEKDAYS[day % 7] for day in range(1, 28)], "datasets": [{"data": average, "borderColor": "#9333ea"}]}),
                    "title": "Product B Performance",
                    "metric": "$1,234.56",
                    "footer": mark_safe(
                        '<strong class="text-green-600 font-medium">+3.14%</strong>&nbsp;progress from last week'
                    "title": "Product C Performance",
                    "metric": "$1,234.56",
                    "footer": mark_safe(
                        '<strong class="text-green-600 font-medium">+3.14%</strong>&nbsp;progress from last week'
            "progress": [
                {"title": "Social marketing e-book", "description": " $1,234.56", "value": random.randint(10, 90)},
                {"title": "Freelancing tasks", "description": " $1,234.56", "value": random.randint(10, 90)},
                {"title": "Development coaching", "description": " $1,234.56", "value": random.randint(10, 90)},
                {"title": "Product consulting", "description": " $1,234.56", "value": random.randint(10, 90)},
                {"title": "Other income", "description": " $1,234.56", "value": random.randint(10, 90)},
            "chart": json.dumps(
                    "labels": [WEEKDAYS[day % 7] for day in range(1, 28)],
                    "datasets": [
                            "label": "Example 1",
                            "type": "line",
                            "data": average,
                            "backgroundColor": "#f0abfc",
                            "borderColor": "#f0abfc",
                            "label": "Example 2",
                            "data": positive,
                            "backgroundColor": "#9333ea",
                            "label": "Example 3",
                            "data": negative,
                            "backgroundColor": "#f43f5e",
            "performance": [
                    "title": _("Last week revenue"),
                    "metric": "$1,234.56",
                    "footer": mark_safe(
                        '<strong class="text-green-600 font-medium">+3.14%</strong>&nbsp;progress from last week'
                    "chart": json.dumps({"labels": [WEEKDAYS[day % 7] for day in range(1, 28)], "datasets": [{"data": performance_positive, "borderColor": "#9333ea"}]}),
                    "title": _("Last week expenses"),
                    "metric": "$1,234.56",
                    "footer": mark_safe(
                        '<strong class="text-green-600 font-medium">+3.14%</strong>&nbsp;progress from last week'
                    "chart": json.dumps({"labels": [WEEKDAYS[day % 7] for day in range(1, 28)], "datasets": [{"data": performance_negative, "borderColor": "#f43f5e"}]}),

    return context

Update Unfold Settings

    "DASHBOARD_CALLBACK": "admin_dashboard.views.dashboard_callback",
    "STYLES": [
        lambda request: static("admin_dashboard/css/styles.css"),

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